wTorrent is a web interface to rtorrent, a high performance console based bittorrent client. It uses rtorrent's build-in xmlrpc server to communicate with it.
wTorrent is programmed in php using Smarty templates and XMLRPC for PHP library. wTorrent also uses javascript for rendering the page with AJAX and Scriptaculous.
wTorrent is programmed in php using Smarty templates and XMLRPC for PHP library. wTorrent also uses javascript for rendering the page with AJAX and Scriptaculous.
Starting Points
- InstallGuide - Installation Guide
- GettingSupport - Our mailing lists and forums for support
- ListofReleases - Download wTorrent Packages
- DownloadBuilds - Get the latest version of wTorrent
- DevelopmentTeam - List of wTorrent developers
- CookieManagement - Cookie Management
OS Specific Guides
- DebianInstallGuide - Debian dedicated server install guide.
- UbuntuHardy - rTorrent + wTorrent install guide for Ubuntu Hardy VE.
- rTorrent/libTorrent -- The libTorrent and rTorrent Project
- nTorrent -- Java remote graphical user interface to rTorrent
- n2hell -- A browser interface and jsonrpc api to rtorrent
- Lighttpd -- Small and fast web server
- SQLite -- DataBase used by wTorrent
- famfamfam silk icons -- Icons used by wTorrent
- FavLoc plugin for firefox -- *really* useful if you use rtorrent's watch folder functionality.
- http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/36261 -- Greasemonkey script to add torrents easier(Thanks to Shannon Brooks)